Kate Holmgren Books

Meet Kate Holmgren, Author

Kate Holmgren writes children’s stories. To her this is a bit of a wonder, for her father, a tough old bird of a cowboy, had long been known as the storyteller in the family.  

But on the journey of motherhood, traveling down roads of blacktop or clay gumbo in an old green club-cab pickup with three very active little boys, she chanced upon her own storyteller’s heart. Her sons listened in wonder; Kate sensed the mantle of her father’s teller of tales coming to settle upon her own shoulders.  

Kate’s stories continue to interweave humor, risk, faith, and courage. They ask questions about what it means to be a hero, a part of a family and a friend. Currently, she is at work on a trilogy, 'A Hidden World,' woven of travels filled with amazement all their own.        

To the Moon and Back ...

Meet eight-year-old Sophie, with untamable copper-colored hair, one luminous pale-green eye, the other a beautiful light ocean blue—a young girl easily recognizable anywhere, and her companion, Justice, a twenty-pound cat.

They live in an attic space filled with a wild kaleidoscope of color—Sophie’s bold art work papers the four walls along with the dozens of her grandmother’s clocks, posters of national parks, sea animals, and puppies and cats, and stacks of mystery books next to a cozy chair by a window.

But… all the windows are fastened shut and the attic door is latched.

What reason could there be to lock this child away?

The moon floats high in the sky and tick, tick, tick go the clocks. Has it come time to attempt an escape?

Hidden worlds could await the two of them as they embark on a hero’s journey, to seek safety and solve the mystery of being locked away.

This is the first book in a middle-grade series and is sure to leave readers eager to find out what happens next. With unique characters and exciting plot twists, 'To the Moon and Back' is a must-read for young readers who love adventure, suspense, and a good story.


“I didn’t know the Nile Star was also called the Dog Star. That is so cool. Sometimes even fiction books give you information about the real world! This was my favorite book of all times.”

—Fourth grader, Colton


“I think that the writing captured the beauty of poetry. When an author can do that, it becomes magic.”

—Sixth grader, Auggie


“I love to read anything Kate writes!”

—wrote Lew Hunter, American screenwriter, author and educator and American Screenwriters Association Hall of Famer who passed in January of 2023—Lew was Kate’s first mentor, a great bear of a man and an encourager to many


“This is a unique piece of literature in this space. The author has a very classic style and is clearly a gifted writer. Multiple subplots weave together to bring the reader on a journey of unexpected connections.

The end left me excited where the next book in the series will go… just as it’s all coming together. It’s well-thought-out and executed. Most books in this genre are just silly for entertainment value… this one is not only entertaining but carries the richness and depth of timeless classics. If you’re expecting a silly story, keep scrolling. But if you love unique characters and intrigue, you’ll enjoy this book!”


Marcy Pusey

Children’s Story Author Launches Best Selling Book  

Arlington, Texas, June 21, 2023 – To the Moon and Back – written by Kate Holmgren, has
just concluded a successful book launch on Amazon with the book ranked as a #1 Best Seller.

Paul Brodie

CEO of Brodie Consulting Group

Founder of The Virtual Summit System

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@ Copyright 2023. Kate Holmgren.